Believe it or not, rain on your wedding day can be radiant and romantic! Especially if you find yourself getting married in Iceland like California natives, Gina and Terry. There is something really fun about battling the sideways rain one minute to … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Iceland Viking Wedding
Iceland Wedding in a Lava Tube Cave | Sheena + Todd
Have you ever been to a wedding where the groom presents his bride with a sword? Or reads his vows from one, a in a one-of-a-kind cave? Um, yeah me either but was thrilled it happened on my watch! Also … Continue reading
Iceland Wedding Photography: Antonia + Tim’s Adventure Wedding
When daring adventurers, enthusiastic travelers, and just an overall #badass couple decides to get married, you know everyone waits on bated breath to know where. So when Tim and Antonia from New Jersey were looking for destination wedding options, they … Continue reading