Today I’m going to bring up a little bit of a controversial subject, especially nowadays since we live in a very social media saturated world…
To Have or Not Have an Unplugged Iceland Wedding?
Okay okay okay, Picture THIS! So there you are in Iceland and it’s your wedding day. You know at like a secret waterfall, cave, glacier, black sand beach, you know the usual awe-inspiring nature stuff 😉 You’ve invited all those you love and adore and they are there in total bliss from all of magical surroundings you have chosen as your location to marry in Iceland! …Anxiously waiting for you as you walk down the aisle, they all raise their iPhones and cameras to capture this epic moment in time for you!
<Hold your breath!>
Because, wait! Now, let’s take it one step further like a month later and you’re reliving your amazing day through your fabulous Iceland wedding photos from your talented Iceland wedding photographer… As you flip through you remember that epic moment as you walked down the aisle and you notice everyone’s FACES are BLOCKED by their cameras and phones!
<Insert sad face!>
Then you get further into your Iceland wedding ceremony and you see in all of the beautiful overview shots, at least one guest is standing up (or standing off to the side) taking a photo or a video of you guys. It’s sweet of that well-meaning guest, but how much more amazing would it have been had you been able to see everyone’s faces or have everyone’s full attention, reveling in your Iceland wedding day with you?
<Insert HAPPY face!>
Today I share with you 8 reasons why you should consider having your Iceland wedding ceremony be unplugged:
- If their camera or phone is in front of their face, you cannot see their face and they cannot see yours!
- The Sound. –Hello distraction!
- The Flash – It can create unwanted shadows for your hired Iceland Wedding Photographer!
- People will see your wedding day through their phone and not actually EXPERIENCING it with you in that moment. …you don’t want that do you?
- People running around in the dynamic Icelandic landscapes can cause unforeseen injuries if they have the camera or iPhone to their faces the whole time. Not kidding folks – THIS HAPPENS!
- Focus Beams – For the guests that are DSLR lovers, their red focus beam could show up in the photos.
- You do not need extra paparazzi running around! 1 or 2 Iceland pro photographers is enough right?
- My Personal Fave: By having an unplugged Iceland Wedding: No one will spoil the surprise to everyone back home by Instagram-ing or Facebook-ing photos of you, your dress, or the locations earlier than you wish!
My two cents on the topic! So your next question is how do you communicate an Unplugged Iceland Wedding Ceremony to your guests? A kind note like the following on your Iceland Wedding Website (or on your Wedding Program or Timeline Card) would do the trick:
“Guess What?! You’re in Iceland!! Please be present reveling in this moment with us! We’ve hired someone awesome and that we trust to capture it fully (and we’ll share the photos after, don’t worry) so please sit back and enjoy this time with us without a electronic on or in hand. We kindly ask so that throughout the day we can also see your faces and you can see ours smiling at you =) After all, are in Iceland, so let’s savor it unplugged!”
With a smile, Ann Peters + Team (Iceland Wedding Planners & Adventure Wedding Photographers)
© 2016, Iceland Wedding Planner / Photos by Miss Ann, All Rights Reserved.