Hello Clients, Followers, Fans, and Friends!
The majority of you are aware of my boundless passion for being an International Wedding Planner. Photographer. Adventurer. Entrepreneur. A lover of defining moments, people, and champagne. You might also be privy to know that I’m on a serious mission to change the destination wedding industry. Like heart attack serious.
No more thinking a destination wedding should equal a sunny all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. Not kidding folks, STOP thinking that now. Time to learn and educate yourself, friends, family and random people on this topic! It’ll make the world a far more interesting place, I promise. I challenge you to stop being like everyone else and START to think about 17 hour kick-ass wedding adventure days that are in unique, offbeat, and destination wedding locations you’ve never heard of or know anything about until you talk to us. That’s the stuff that you’ll (and your guests) will remember for the rest of your lives… THE EXPERIENCE of Mr. + Mrs. ____________ getting married in _____________ and having an epic wedding adventure day!
MISSION: Destination Weddings = Adventure, that simple. We’ve proven our adventure wedding concept works all over Iceland and the other amazing Nordic countries… so next step is for us to take on THE WORLD! Are you brave enough to accept this challenge too? If so, we’re ready for you! <Enter in our new umbrella company>
For the next year, we’re on a personal and professional mission to educate people and places on Your Adventure Wedding, why?
Because your wedding day SHOULD BE the ULTIMATE ADVENTURE!
It’s one of the single, most important days of your life. Who wants to spend it in a stuffy church in your home town, with 100’s of people you don’t like very much, and eating food that doesn’t have any fun cultural elements to it? Or worse yet, who wants to be married in the same overdone resort millions of others have already said “I do” at? Ummm, not me. Let’s be honest, not you either, right? Alternative, please! Instead, hold an unforgettable Adventure Wedding!
So! All that being said, here’s our current travel schedule in case you want to help us change the world and stuff. We’re excited to book any adventurous elopements, destination weddings, pre-wedding, post wedding, or honeymoon session in any of these locales, because don’t forget we own the photography company, Photos by Miss Ann too!
- September 2015: Baltic Sea Countries, Faroe Islands, and Iceland
- October 2015: Scotland, Iceland, California, and Scottish Isles
- November 2015: Turkey, Morocco, Italian Islands + Spanish Islands
- December 2015: Northern Finland + Peru
- January 2016: Patagonia
- February 2016: Brazil + Antarctica
- March 2016: Himalayan Countries
- April 2016: Himalayan Countries + Lofoten Islands
- May 2016: Faroe Islands + Iceland + Hungary
- June 2016: Madagascar + Iceland
- July 2016: Norway + Greenland + Iceland
- August 2016: Cyprus + Iceland
- September 2016: Portugal + Ireland + Iceland
In the meantime, contact us for more information or support our “change the destination wedding industry” effort by following us on Facebook or Instagram, okay?
With a smile, Ann Peters (International Wedding Planner + Photographer)